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HOW TO USE HTML PARSER IN YOUR TEMPLATE;Error parsing XML, line 1458, column 64: The reference to entity "version" must end with the ';' delimiter.

Image result for parsing errors in blog template
parsing error

 There are numerous times when you are working on your template platform that you get different errors whenever you want to save a script or plugin code,such as;
1. "The reference to entity "version" must end with the ';' delimiter."

2."Error parsing XML, line 1458, column 64: The reference to entity "version" must end with the ';' delimiter."
 We do come across them when you insert a Facebook JavaScript or AdSense JavaScript in your blogger template editor, you often come across XML Parsing error,like the ones mentioned above
   The question on your mind right now is why and Is there a way out?

Image result for parsing errors in blog template
html parser
WHY : Blogger interprets all your document as XML rather than as HTML. XML is PCDATA (Parsed Character Data) by default which means that XML parsers will normally parse all the text in a document. As a result when we insert JavaScript inside blogspot templates, all script inside the JavaScript tags is treated as a text and due to the presence of some illegal special characters like
  1. <)  - less than
  2. (&) - ampersand
  3. (>) - greater than
  4. (")  - double-quote
  5. (')  - apostrophe or single-quote
 you often face the following error:

  There are numerous methods,one of which is css rules, but you need to have a substantial knowledge in coding in other to be able to use css method and other similar solutions. The goodnews is have got your back,especially my dear readers who are not so good in coding.
   All you have to do is copy the script,code,or xml file and past it into the html parse BELOW;



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